Week beginning October 4th 2004
Young Volunteers to help families discover
Humber wildlife : Young volunteers will be helping the RSPB
to promote wildlife on the Humber at an event which is being run by
the RSPB’s Humber Estuary Experience project. It will take place
in Paull on Saturday 30th October as part of the ‘Feed the Birds’
events programme, and members of the RSPB’s Phoenix group will
be conducting guided walks, making badges and masks, face painting,
and even digging into buckets of mud. The aim of the event is to give
local people, both children and adults, a chance to find out more about
the wildlife of the Humber Estuary, and especially the new Paull Holme
Strays site.
Members of Holderness Rangers will be in the Village Hall, collecting
photographs of Humber wildlife and landscapes for the website which
they will be helping to design. They are appealing for people to bring
along photographs and will scan them into a computer there and then,
and return them immediately. They are especially interested in photographs
taken of farm work on the Paull Holme Strays site before the reserve
was created in 2003, and in any stories to accompany the photos.
Children from Paull School will also be involved: they have been surveying
plant, butterfly and bird species and have created drawings, written
work and graphs showing their findings. All of their work will be displayed
in the Village Hall on the day and it will also appear on the website
to be developed this winter.
Estuary Experience Project Officer Toni Cross said, “It’s
really encouraging that we have so many young people willing to contribute
their time to making this event a success. We estimate that about fifty
young people between the ages of eight and eighteen will have either
worked on the displays or be helping to run the event on the day. It’s
a really good indication of how the fantastic and varied birds and other
wildlife found on the Humber have captured the imagination of these
young volunteers.”
The event will run from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m., with guided walks leaving
the Village Hall at 1.30 p.m. and 2.45 p.m. A minibus will be available
to take visitors from the hall to the reserve.
The Estuary Experience Project is funded by the SITA Environmental Trust
as part of the RSPB’s Wildlife Guardians project. Further information
is available from Toni Cross, the Estuary Experience Project Officer,
on 07834569772 or by email at Toni.Cross@rspb.org.uk
Places available at Hedon Playgroup : places
are still available for children aged from 21/2 to school-age at Hedon’s
St. Augustine’s Play Group. The play group is open Wednesday and
Friday mornings and afternoons and costs just £4.00 per two-hour
session. If you would like further details and a contact number, please
telephone me on the number at the top of this column.
Harvest Festival services for the week : both
Paull and Hedon’s parish churches are celebrating their Harvest
Festivals on Sunday October 10th. Hedon’s will be at 10.30 a.m.
in St. Augustine’s followed by a Harvest Lunch in the Alison Hall.
There will be an open plate at the service, the proceeds of which, together
with any proceeds from the Lunch, will be sent to this year’s
chosen charity, which is Christian Aid. Paull’s Harvest Festival
is at 6.30 p.m. in St. Andrew’s followed by a Harvest Supper in
the Village Hall. The congregation will be joined by the members of
Paull Methodist Church and, as at Hedon, everyone is invited to join
in the celebrations.
Keep-fit classes with crèche : Would you like
to join an aerobics class and have someone look after your young children
in a safe and secure environment? Places are still available at the
classes held every Tuesday in the Alexandra Hall, Hedon, from 9.30 a.m.
until 11.00 a.m., making it ideal for those with children at school
as well. Everyone is welcome, and concessions are available for those
eligible. For further details contact the South Holderness Adult Education
department on 01482 897534.
Hedon Town Council Website : for those of you who don’t
already know, besides writing this column I also build websites, many
of them for local organisations amongst which are Hedon Town Council.
We have had an ‘unfortunate’ occurrence this week: the website
was attacked by professional hackers who posted some highly offensive
material on it. Fortunately this was spotted by Kingston Communications
who took swift action and shut the website down completely and notified
us straight away. I do have a copy of the website in its original form
and will be able to reinstate it but not immediately. I must apologise
on two counts : first and foremost to anyone who inadvertently visited
the website after it was ‘hacked’ and before KC shut it
down, the content was not of my or Hedon Council’s doing, and
secondly to anyone who is trying to obtain information about Hedon and
finds the website shut. I promise we will be up and running again as
soon as possible, on http://www.hedon.gov.uk
The following church services will take place on Sunday October
Hedon : St. Augustine’s Parish Church : Holy
Communion at 8.30 a.m., Harvest Festival at 10.30 a.m.
Hedon Methodist Church, Church Lane : morning service at 10.30 a.m.,
evening service at 6.30 p.m.
Saints Mary & Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Baxtergate, Hedon :
Daily Mass times : Sunday 10.30 a.m., Monday 9.15 a.m., Tuesday 9.15
a.m., Wednesday 7.30 p.m., Thursday 9.15 a.m., Friday 7.30 p.m., Saturday
6 p.m.
Hedon Pentecostal Church meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. in the Jubilee
Room of the Alexandra Hall, St. Augustine’s Gate; a Sunday School
is also held at 10.30 a.m. every Sunday.
Paull : St Andrew’s Parish Church : Harvest Festival
at 6.30 p.m.
Paull Methodist Church, Main Street : no service at the Methodist Church
this week – the congregation are invited to join with St. Andrew’s
Church in celebrating their Harvest Festival.
Preston: All Saint’s Parish Church : as this
is the second Sunday in the month the morning’s service should
be at 9.30 a.m. : sorry, but I have no other information as Preston
is not listed in this month’s Deanery magazine.
Preston Methodist Church : morning service at 10.30 a.m.