Archived columns from the "News From Your Community" pages
of the Hull Daily Mail and its East Riding edition

~ Hedon, Paull and Preston ~

News for 2004

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Hedon’s Christmas fundraising results; Pantomime in Hedon; Story Time for pre-schoolers; Classes for all the family; Yoga class in Hedon ; Holderness Lions; Church Services for Sunday January 18th 2004; Christian Unity Sunday.
BP flare to be turned off; Holderness Rangers; Dog fouling; Preston "Young At Heart" pop-in; Church Services for Sunday February 1st 2004
Public Meeting and Slide Show at Paull; Preston Drop-In Courses; Hedon Friendship Circle; Church Services for Sunday February 8th 2004
Hedon WI quiz night; Farmers' Bingo in Hedon; Hedon Museum exhibition; Public Meeting in Hedon; Paull slide show date confirmed; Preston Parent and Toddler Group; Church Services for Sunday February 15th 2004
"Return To Nanny Goat Island" exhibition; Hedon Friendship Circle; last reminder – Slide Show in Paull; Wheels To Work scheme; Hedon Playgroup reunion; flare at BP Saltend; Church Services for Sunday February 22nd 2004
Hedon and District Crime Prevention Committee’s Community Service awards; Hedon Mothers’ Union; theft of litter bin from Paull; Women’s World Day of Prayer; church services for Sunday February 29th


New exhibit for Hedon Museum; IT training seminars in Hedon; Footpath closure in Paull; Decorating at South Holderness Youth Centre; Farmers' Bingo and change of venue for Holderness Lions; church services for Sunday March 7th 2004
Hedon Women’s Institute; Mayor-elect for Hedon; Hedon Pop-In Club; update on footpath problems in Paull; Speed limits in Hedon; church services for Sunday March 14th 2004
Hedon Navigation Trust; Fort Paull and the Blackburn Beverley; Police Band Concert in Hedon, Hedon Friendship Circle, Wyvern Arts exhibiting in Hedon, church services for Sunday March 21st 2004 (Mothering Sunday)
Display of dolls house miniatures in Hedon Museum; Correction to Fort Paull and the Blackburn Beverley; Hedon Chrysanthemum Society AGM; Wyvern Arts exhibition; church services for Sunday March 28th 2004
Choir to sing in Hedon; Easter Egg collection in Hedon, Footpath closure in Paull; Holderness Lions at Safeways; church services for Sunday April 4th (Palm Sunday)

Holderness Lions Anniversary celebration & Farmers' Bingo; Hedon Coffee Morning; Easter Bonnets in Hedon; Bags2School collection in Paull; Holy Week in Hedon and district; Easter Day services for Sunday April 11th
Charity Rugby Matches – spectators welcome; Local Guides looking for help; Fort Paull phone number; Police Band Concert in Hedon; Paull Jumble Sale; Morris Dancers coming to Paull – a date for your diary; church services for Sunday April 18th
Hedon Museum exhibition; “Bags2School” collection in Paull; Green Ginger Morris Men in Paull; church services for Sunday April 25th
Final call for the Morris Men! Art Exhibition in Preston; Hedon Friendship Circle; church services for Sunday May 2nd
Hi - I'm back!* Hedon Friendship Circle; Hedon Flower Festival; Church services for Sunday June 6th
*(I was away on holiday for most of May)






New website for Hedon; Blood donor presentation; Litter in Paull - Mrs Joyce Pickering; D-Day celebrations in Hedon; Hedon Open Gardens weekend; Holderness Lions; Midsummer Songs of Praise; church services for Sunday June 13th
Hedon Friendship Circle; St Augustine’s Restoration and Development Appeal; Preston and District Allotment and Garden Society; Friends of Inmans Primary School Summer Fair; Preston Summer Fair; Footpath danger at Paull; church services for Sunday June 20th
Hedon In Bloom; Hedon Open Gardens Weekend; Hedon Summer Fair; Myeloma Awareness Week in Paull; Sewing Display in Hedon; Music afternoons in Hedon; Hedon and Paull Church Garden Parties; church services for Sunday June 27th 2004.
Hedon Parish Church Garden Party; Paull Parish Church Garden Party; BP Midsummer Ball; church services for Sunday July 4th




Hedon Summer Fayre; Paull Parish Church Garden Party; Sea Sunday Service in Paull; Preston Show; Charity Auction in Paull; church services for Sunday July 11th
Myeloma Awareness Week; Last call for Preston Village Show; Paull Charity Auction; Hedon Flower Festival Week; Preston “Young At Heart”; Preston and District Allotments Society; church services for Sunday July 18th

Paull Church garden party; Paull Summer Charity Night; Charity Auction in Preston; Last call for Horticultural Show trip; church services for Sunday July 25th



Charity auction in Paull; Hedon in Bloom results; Church services for Sunday August 8th
Paull Summer Charity Night; Holderness Rangers international visits; church services for Sunday August 15th





Farmer's Bingo at Hedon; New displays at Hedon museum; New season for Hedon Friendship Circle; Lifestylers presentation to Hedon Red Cross ; Gardeners’ Evening in Hedon; Preston Young At Heart Drop-In Centre ; Crime in Paull; Church services for Sunday September 12th
Women’s Institute meeting in Hedon; Hedon Police Authority Neighbourhood Panel meeting; Charity Coffee Morning in Preston; Flexibus service; Sound of Brass returns to Preston; Hedon Museum; Paull Chapel harvest festival ; Silver Wedding in Hedon; church services for Sunday September 19th
Holderness Lions Update ; More from Hedon Museum; Hedon Friendship Circle Meeting; Reminder – Brass Band Concert in Preston ; Local Harvest Festival details ; church services for Sunday September 26th
Piano free to good home! Go Wild At Paull; Hedon Friendship Circle - October Meetings; Hedon Police Community Liaison Committee; church services for Sunday October 3rd

RSPB Family Fun Day at Paull; Places available at Hedon Playgroup ; Harvest Festival services for the week; Keep-fit classes with crèche ; Hedon Town Council Website; church services for Sunday October 10th
Go wild at Paull Holme Strays! Holderness Lions' 'Farmers' bingo'; Hedon Women’s Institute; Hedon Friendship Circle meeting; church services will take place on Sunday October 17th
Showtime in Hedon; Paull Family Fun Day – last reminder; FREE Electric Blanket Check; Singers Wanted ; All Souls Day; church services for Sunday October 31st

D-Tec photographic competition winners; New Hedon museum exhibitions; Hedon Mothers' Union 60th Anniversary; Paull Church Christmas Bazaar; Remembrance Day Parade; Christmas Light Switch-on in Hedon; church services for Sunday November 7th
Mud magic at Paull! With photos!! Holderness Lions ‘Farmers' Bingo’ ; Bumper Auction benefits community; Paull Church Christmas Bazaar reminder; Table-Top sale in Hedon ; More Christmas Fairs; Remembrance Day in Paull; church services for Sunday November 14th
Friendship Circle Meeting in Hedon ; Blue Peter Appeal launched in Hedon ; Christmas Bazaar in aid of church running costs; church services will take place on Sunday November 21st
Heirlooms donated to Hedon Museum; Calling all ex-Sappers; Paull Remembrance Day parade thanks; Santa Claus is coming to town! Christmas Fair in Preston ; church services for Sunday November 28th
Light up for Christmas in Paull! Preston Christmas Fair; church services for Sunday December 5th

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All material and information on this site collected, compiled and written by Dianne G. Davies © 2002 - 2004

Disclaimer : all dates, venues and details etc. are published in good faith and no liability is accepted
for any losses (whether material or otherwise) arising from using the information on this website.

If you wish to contact me, either with regard to items on this site or with news for my column, click here to send an email.