Week beginning November 22nd 2004
Heirlooms donated to Hedon Museum : retired
Hedon Councillor Hilda Ives, MBE has made a presentation to Hedon Museum.
She handed over her gift of heirlooms which her family wished to donate
to the Museum.
The presentation consisted of Bulmer's Directory of 1892, Boyle's History
of Hedon, dated 1895, and a Victorian police truncheon.
In addition, G.R. Park's 'History of Hedon' has just been purchased
by the Museum, so Hedon Museum is now in the possession of all the published
histories of Hedon. The Mayor of Hedon as President of the Museum Society
attended at the presentation.
The new display, 'Sight and Silks' - an exhibition of paintings and
painted silks – is now open at the Museum. Admission is free,
and the museum is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays between 10.00 a.m.
and 4.00. p.m.
Calling all ex-Sappers : I’ve had a query from
the Honorary Secretary of the Hull & District Branch of the Royal
Engineers Association, who noticed that there were a lot of ex-Royal
Engineers at the Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday and he was just wondering
where they all came from.
There is a thriving Hull and District Branch of the Royal Engineers
Association, which is one of the longest serving Branches within the
UK. They are always seeking new members to swell their happy group.
If you are an ex-Sapper or indeed still serving, you are more than welcome
to any of the meetings. These are held every third Wednesday of every
month at 8.00 p.m. in the Trades and Labour Club, Beverley Road, Hull,
just past the Hull Daily Mail offices. You are invited to take your
wife or partner along as well, as there is a ladies section. Further
details can be obtained from the Secretary, Len Simpson on 01482 784924
or by emailing him at les061@lensimpson.karoo.co.uk
Paull Remembrance Day parade : For
once the annual Remembrance Day parade and open-air service at Paull
War Memorial was held in glorious sunshine, and despite the cold wind
there was an excellent attendance at this year. Particular mention should
be made of the Hedon contingent of the Army Cadet Force who marched
all the way to Paull, having first attended Hedon’s Remembrance
Day parade, and then marched in the Paull Parade before marching back
home again, managing to look extremely smart all the while. The War
Memorial Committee would like to thank the Standard Bearers of the Hedon
branch of the Royal British Legion Women’s Section, the Royal
Naval Association, Holderness Rangers and the Army Cadet Force, these
last especially for also stepping in at the last minute to carry the
Union Standard at the head of the parade and also to ‘do the honours’
in lowering the flag on the flagpole at the Last Post.
Santa Claus is coming to town! On
Friday November 26th Holderness Lions will be taking their Santa's Sleigh
out for its first run. It has been fully serviced, the reindeers have
been checked over, and all looks well. It will appear in all its glory
at the official switch on of the lights in Hedon.
On Monday December 6th it will be out and about again in Hedon: this
time it will be in the Drapers Lane, Westlands Road and Farrands Road
On Tuesday December 7th it will be in Preston: areas the sleigh should
be visiting are Weghill Road and roads off, Oak Tree Estate and Eldon
Road, Helms Avenue, New Village Farm Estate and finally Kirk Road and
Rectory Lane.
The sleigh will next visit Paull on Friday December 10th, starting off
at the Lighthouse. It will then travel along Main Street and any other
areas they can manage.
The last night will be back in Hedon, on Monday December 20th when they
will start from the Market Place and visit Inmans Estate, Thorn Road
, Sacred Gate and Leaf Sails Farm.
On all these nights the sleigh will begin its travels at 6.30 p.m.
If you live in any of the areas being visited please listen and watch
out for it and if you can give a small donation for the Lions to one
of Santa’s Elves it would be very much appreciated.
Christmas Fair in Preston : Preston
All Saints’ Church Christmas Fair and Gift Day is being held on
Saturday November 27th in the Church Hall, starting at 2.00 p.m. There
will be many stalls for you to browse through, including a cake stall,
a White Elephant stall, books, a tombola and a raffle. Admission will
be 50p, and all proceeds are for the church funds.
The following church services will take place on Sunday November
Hedon : St. Augustine’s Parish Church : Holy
Communion at 8.30 a.m., morning praise at 10.00 a.m.
Hedon Methodist Church, Church Lane : morning service at 10.30 a.m.,
evening service at 6.30 p.m.
Saints Mary & Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Baxtergate, Hedon :
Daily Mass times : Sunday 10.30 a.m., Monday 9.15 a.m., Tuesday 9.15
a.m., Wednesday 7.30 p.m., Thursday 9.15 a.m., Friday 7.30 p.m., Saturday
6 p.m.
Hedon Pentecostal Church meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. in the Jubilee
Room of the Alexandra Hall, St. Augustine’s Gate; a Sunday School
is also held at 10.30 a.m. every Sunday.
Paull : St Andrew’s Parish Church : evensong
at 3.00 p.m.
Paull Methodist Church, Main Street : afternoon service at 3.00 p.m.
Preston: All Saint’s Parish Church : Advent Sunday
service at 11.00 a.m.
Preston Methodist Church : morning service at 10.30 a.m.