Week beginning November 15th 2004
Friendship Circle Meeting in Hedon :
Hedon Methodist Friendship Circle invite you to their next meeting,
which is being held on Wednesday November 17th at 7.30 p.m. in the Methodist
Church hall, Church lane, Hedon. The speaker will be Peter Key and his
topic “Scarecrows and other gardens.” As always, everyone
is welcome to go along and have a pleasant and interesting evening in
good company.
Blue Peter Appeal launched in Hedon :
as those of you who (like me) are still avid viewers of the evergreen
Blue Peter programme will already know, this year Blue Peter has chosen
the Red Cross as its International Charity of the year.
The Red Cross “Welcome Home” Appeal will support the vital
work of carrying out the message and tracing service in Angola, putting
families and children back in touch after becoming separated during
years of fighting in this war-torn country. Although the civil war is
now over, there are now an estimated 4 million displaced persons and
many families have become separated, not knowing where their loved ones
are or even whether they are still alive.
The Red Cross and Blue Peter are asking you to support the appeal by
filling up a Big Blue Peter Bag with clothing and taking it along to
the Red Cross Shop in St. Augustine’s Gate, Hedon (the shop is
open Monday to Saturday between 9.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.)
Julie Screeton, the shop’s manageress, said “The money the
Welcome Home Appeal will raise is vital to the work of the Red Cross
in Angola where there is simply no way for relatives to get in touch.
There are few telephones, mobiles of computers to send emails and no
proper postal service. It is estimated that 90% of Angolan families
have lost contact with at least one member of their family: we already
have 2,095 children registered with the Red Cross as either looking
for their parents or being sought by parents, and a further 10,865 adults
also looking for lost loved ones, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
As you can see, the need for our work is now even greater than ever.”
Every donation will make a big difference : just one bag will, when
sold, pay for two Red Cross messages to be delivered, and five bags
will help one adult trace a relative. Information packs and Big Blue
Peter Bags can be obtained from the Red Cross shop.
Once the clothes are collected, they need to be sold to raise this vital
money : my recent visit showed me just how far from the “second-hand-clothes
shop” image this shop actually is! There is some top quality stock
available in a vast range of sizes and the shop is currently featuring
an excellent range of Christmas Party wear, so why not go and have a
look – I promise you will not be disappointed! You can contact
Julie for further information on 01482 890668.
Photos of the launch of the appeal
can be seen by clicking on this link.
Christmas Bazaar in aid of church running costs
: St Augustine’s Church Christmas Bazaar will be held
on Saturday November 20th starting at 1.00 p.m. (please note the change
of time from the usual morning start.) and finishing around 4.00 to
4.30 p.m. The event will take place in the Alexandra Hall, St Augustine's
Gate, Hedon, and admission will be 30p, with accompanied children free.
Stalls will include a Tombola, home made cakes, plants, jewellery, a
toy tombola, games, white elephant, toys, videos, raffles and refreshments.
Come along and get in the Christmas mood!
The following church services will take place on Sunday November
Hedon : St. Augustine’s Parish Church : Sung
Eucharist at 9.30 a.m.
Hedon Methodist Church, Church Lane : Holy ommunion ar 9.30 a.m., morning
service at 10.30 a.m., evening service at 6.30 p.m.
Saints Mary & Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Baxtergate, Hedon :
Daily Mass times : Sunday 10.30 a.m., Monday 9.15 a.m., Tuesday 9.15
a.m., Wednesday 7.30 p.m., Thursday 9.15 a.m., Friday 7.30 p.m., Saturday
6 p.m.
Hedon Pentecostal Church meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. in the Jubilee
Room of the Alexandra Hall, St. Augustine’s Gate; a Sunday School
is also held at 10.30 a.m. every Sunday.
Paull : St Andrew’s Parish Church : Holy Communion
at 11.15 a.m.
Paull Methodist Church, Main Street : no service this week; the next
service will be at 3.00 p.m. on November 28th.
Preston: All Saint’s Parish Church : morning
worship at 11.00 a.m.
Preston Methodist Church : morning service at 10.30 a.m.