Archived columns from the "News From Your Community" pages
of the Hull Daily Mail and its East Riding edition

~ Hedon, Paull and Preston ~

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Yoga classes in Hedon; Bingo in Hedon / Preston South; Afternoon Tea Dances in Hedon; Heartstart UK - Hedon branch; church services for Sunday January 12th 2003
Hedon Fundraising; Afternoon Tea with the Mayor; Hedon Drama Group's pantomime; Woodland for south-west Holderness; church services for Sunday January 19th 2003
Public meeting in Hedon; free passes to Fort Paull for residents; Hedon museum exhibition; Friendship Circle meeting; Broadband campaign; damage to Paull playing field; church services for Sunday January 26th 2003
Afternoon tea with the Mayoress; Paull public toilets; new vicar appointed; church services for Sunday February 2nd 2003
Crime prevention; Fort Paull; advance notice for the Preston Show; Flamenco night in Hedon, church services for Sunday February 9th 2003
Hedon and Preston Friendship Circles; National Marriage Week; Road closure in Paull; church services for Sunday February 16th 2003
Friendship circles; internet access in Holderness; piano favourites; Paull Workhouse search? Church services for Sunday February 23rd
New exhibition in Hedon; afternoon tea with the Mayoress; piano recital in Hedon; Flamenco night thanks; New Over-60s Club; Paull Primary School; theft in Paull; Church Services for Sunday March 2nd 2003


Pancake Day at Hedon British Legion; Friendship Circle Meetings; speaker in Hedon; Hedon jumble sale; Old Time Music Hall; floral demonstration in Hedon; Church services for Sunday March 9th.
Correction from last week; Hedon WI; Mayor-elect for Hedon; Friendship Circle meeting in Preston; Church Services for Sunday March 16th
Preston Friendship Circle; MS coffee morning in Hedon; Royal British Legion's Women's Section; Holderness Rangers' Footballing First; Preston Show vacancies and appeal; Venue needed in Hedon or surrounding villages; D-Tec broadband campaign meeting; The Mystery of the Missing Bus Stops; Church Services for Sunday March 23rd .
Art exhibition at Hedon Museum; Open Day at Hedon Town Hall; Holderness Lions; Hedon Mothers' Union; Church Services for Sunday March 30th
Volleyball players wanted; Hedon Walnut Tree; Lions' party plan evening; Osteoporosis Open Meeting; choir in Preston; Church Services for Sunday April 6th 2003





Paull school wartime anniversary; Allotments meeting in Preston; new vicar for Hedon and Paull; Guides AGM in Hedon; Wordsworth talk in Hedon; Floral demonstration in Hedon; Preston Songbirds after-school club; Paull Over-60s Club; Palm Sunday Church Services.
Golden Wedding for Hedon couple; new vicar for Hedon and Paull; Easter Fayre in Preston South; Easter cantata in Preston; Holy Week services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.
Humberside Police Band; Preston concert; Holderness Lions; D-Tec; Church Services for Sunday April 27th .
Diamond Wedding celebration for Hedon couple ; Keep Fit class with chreche; Noise nuisance from Paull Fort; Church Services for Hedon, Paull and Preston- Sunday May 4th







Humberside Police Band concert : New displays for Hedon Museum : Hedon Women's Institute : Church Services for Sunday May 11th
Morris Dancers in Paull; Bird of prey loose at Paull; Meeting in Hedon; Presentation Night in Hedon : Adult Education :Saltend Roundabout :Church Services for Sunday May 18th
Preston show approaching; Hedon Red Cross presentations; Hedon Museum exhibition closing soon; Holderness Rangers visit to London; Church Services for Sunday May 25th 2003
Holderness Lions : Hedon Friendship Circle : Hedon Museum : Holderness Rangers in London : New flag presented : Church Services in Hedon, Paull and Preston










Paull Parish Council - Correction! Mobile Dentistry for Hedon and area : Church Garden Party : Sponsors needed! Church open at lunchtime : Church Services for Sunday June 8th
Trefoil Guild Diamond Jubilee : Lions say "Thanks!" Hedon Women's Institute Meeting : Bicentenary and garden party for Hedon Church: Hedon Civic Sunday : Church garden party - advance notice : Church Services for Sunday June 15th
Myeloma Awareness Week : Summer Gala in Hedon : Sponsors still needed! Hedon Parish Church Garden Party : Publicise your event here! Church Services for Sunday June 22nd
Hedon Mayor's thank yous; New Scout Hut for Hedon; Preston Fire Station open day; Hedon Church Garden Party; Hedon in Bloom; Car in the river at Paull; Horse riders and traffic; Church Services for Sunday June 29th 2003.
Myeloma Awareness Week thank yous; BP Summer Ball; Paull Church Garden Party; Hedon school summer fair; Church Services for Sunday July 6th 2003




Vandalism to lifebelt; Holderness Digital photography competition; Garden Fete in Preston; Paull Summer Fair; Church Services for Sunday July 13th 2003
Camera exhibition in Hedon; Preston Songbirds; Alexandra Hall open meeting; Paull summer fair; Preston village show; Record-breaking garden party; Church Services for Sunday July 20th
Hedon Mothers' Union; Hedon “table top” sale; Public participation meeting; Broadband for Holderness; Hedon In Bloom; Church Services for Sunday July 27th
Exhibition of children's paintings at Hedon Museum; Hedon Open Gardens weekend; Storm damage to Paull Church, Church Services for Sunday August 3rd




Mr. Arthur Annison; Hedon Summer Fayre; D-Tec meeting report; Goodbye to Rev. Ray Coates; Church Services for Sunday August 10th
Mr Arthur Annison - funeral; Bowling Club invitation; new exhibition in Hedon Museum; church services for Sunday August 17th
Poetry competition; New To You sale in Hedon; church services for Sunday August 24th
Hedon museum display; poetry competition; digital photography competition; Church Services for Sunday August 31st









"Pig Bingo!" Note about items for inclusion in this column; Church Services for Sunday September 7th
Well-known artist to speak in Hedon; Hedon church "Thank you"; new exhibition at Hedon Museum; Holderness Rangers holiday; Digital deadline approaching; The Sound of Brass; New Minister in Hedon ; Church Services for Sunday September 14th
"Bus It!" in Paull; money promised for Paull school; Brass band concert in Preston; Hedon friendship circle; Church Services for Sunday September 21st
Last call for Holderness Digital Photographers; Wildlife Award for Paull Church; Hedon Aerobics Class with a Crèche; Holderness Friendship Group; Hedon M.U. Meeting; Hedon Red Cross shop new stock; Merry Christmas from your correspondent!! Church Services for Sunday September 28th
"Wild Things" at Hedon Red Cross! Paull Churchyard thanks; Digital Photography Competition results; Church Services for Sunday October 5th






Farmer's ("Pig") Bingo in Hedon; Ladies' Night in Hedon; Change of venue for Hedon and District Local History Society; Hedon Drama Group; Church Services for Sunday October 12th
Hedon Red Cross volunteers honoured; Hedon W.I. AGM; Hedon and District Local History Society reminder ; South Holderness School scholarships available; Church Services for Sunday October 19th
Public meeting in Hedon; Salt End roundabout; RSPB family fun afternoon in Paull; new Port Chaplain; Church Services for Sunday October 26th
Paull public toilets; party for Doug Goulsbra; Book launch in Hedon; Art exhibition in Hedon; Holderness Lions; Have they got the bottle in Preston? Hedon speed limits; Red Cross Shop new Christmas stock; Church Services for Sunday November 2nd.


Bonfire Spectacular at Paull; Friendship Circle meeting in Hedon; Appeal launch in Hedon; Forthcoming Tribute Concert in Hedon; Salt End Flyover – again! Church Services for Sunday November 9th
Bonfire Apology; Holderness Rangers' Cosmetics party; Paull Church Bazaar; Hedon PCC Meeting; Concert tickets on sale; Church Services for Sunday November 16th
Hedon and Preston Christmas Bazaars; Police Band concert in Hedon; Hedon Friendship Circle meeting; Hedon Christmas lights; Church Services for Sunday November 23rd.
Silks on show for Christmas; “Young At Heart” in Preston; Community views sought for Preston; Hedon Mothers’ Union meeting; Lighting up in Hedon! Church Services for Sunday November 30th




Hedon Friendship Circle : Preston Christmas Market : Local Voice : Christingle Service in Hedon; Church Services for Sunday December 7th
Preston “Songbirds” Thank You; Victorian Carol Evening in Hedon; Hedon Coffee mornings; More carol singers wanted for Preston ; Christingles; BP's Christmas Candle; Church Services for Sunday December 14th 2003
Christmas around the villages; Carol singers wanted; reclamation plans for Hedon Haven; misleading signposts in Paull; church services for the remailder of the year.

All material and information on this site collected, compiled and written by Dianne G. Davies © 2002 & 2003

Disclaimer : all dates, venues and details etc. are published in good faith and no liability is accepted
for any losses (whether material or otherwise) arising from using the information on this website.

If you wish to contact me, either with regard to items on this site or with news for my column, click here to send an email.