Hedon Fundraising : The Carol Singers from Hedon Methodist Church would like to thank all those who supported them when they sang in the town before Christmas. The sum of £251 was raised thanks to many kind donations, and has been divided between the National Children's Homes - the children's charity of the Methodist Church - and Church funds. Teatime in Hedon : "Weather or not ?!" is the title of the next talk to be given before Afternoon Tea served in Hedon Town Hall on Friday, January 17th at 2-30 pm. The event, held in aid of the Mayor's charity, will be hosted by the Mayoress of Hedon, Mrs Julie Marshall and the speaker will be none other than the Mayor himself. Tickets, price £3, are available now from Hedon Town Hall (open Tues. Thurs. Fri 10 a.m. - 12 noon) or ring 01482 891050 for further details or to book. Don't miss this one …. A "rootin', tootin' panto" being presented by the Hedon Drama Group, with the title "There's Gold In Hedonsville," opens on Thursday January 16th in the Alexandra Hall, St. Augustine's Gate, Hedon and runs through for seven performances : Thursday 16th and Friday 17th at 7.30 p.m, Saturday 18th with two performances, a matinee at 2.00 p.m. and an evening performance at 7.30 p.m., and again the following week on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January, with performances at 7.30 p.m each evening and one at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets are £3, or £2.50 for the usual concessions, and can be booked by telephoning 01964 622944 or 01482 896592, or just come along and pay at the door. Woodland for south-west Holderness ? The announcement of a proposal to plant trees between Hedon and Preston, on the site of the old Hedon Aerodrome, has been welcomed in most quarters. This part of the country is very open and lacks the woods and clumps of trees one sees in most other parts of England, making it look particularly bleak in winter, and I for one will welcome the addition and variety it will add. Furthermore, an area of woodland on this site will help preserve the identity of Hedon by keeping it physically separate from the ever-hopefully encroaching boundary of Hull, a situation which I am sure the majority of residents of Hedon and the surrounding villages want to maintain. Church Services for Sunday January 19th 2003 :
(see note at end of list re. Hedon and Paull) |
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