A Glistening Treasure : A gilded key was found just last week in South Holderness. No door key this, but a tiny key dating from late Medieval times. Made of copper alloy, with traces of the original gilding glinting in the light, it is only 20 mm long - the size of a thumbnail! Its tiny size suggests that it could be a book key - a book of high status such as a prayer book or a diary. This beautiful object is the surprise item added to the collection of small and beautifully crafted artefacts found in recent years in South Holderness and now on display in a new exhibition at Hedon Museum. Among the collection are groats and other coins, buckles and other fastenings, all of them small and exquisitely crafted some six hundred or so years ago. This exhibition is displayed alongside the history of the medieval street names of Hedon. Hedon Museum is open every Wednesday and Saturday, from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m., and admission is free. Last call for local poets : Hedon Library is still accepting entries for the East Riding's poetry competition, which is open to poets of all ages, with a £50 prize for the winner of each age-group : 12 years and under, 13 to 18 years, and over 18 years of age. Entries must be an original poem of not more than twenty lines. All winning entries and those awarded "highly commended" in their category will also be published in an anthology. The closing date for entries is August 30th. Digital photography competition reminder : also fast approaching is the closing date for the Digital Photography competition being run by D-Tec. First and second prizes of £150 and £100 will be awarded in both the junior (under 16) and senior classes, plus £25 merit prizes for the best entry from each participating school. There is no entry fee for the competition, and entries - which must be photographs taken by people resident in Holderness - may include any subject matter but there must be some reference to water in the composition. The organisers ask all intending entrants to notify them at either Hedon or Withernsea museums, or by emailing ChickGen@compuserve.com with their name, address and whether a Senior or Junior class entry. Photos entered should be mounted on A4 card and on the back must have the name and address of the photographer, class entered, and make and model of the digital camera used. Entries must be sent or handed in to either the Hedon or Withernsea museums before September 24th, so you haven't a lot of time left for taking that winning photograph! Get snapping!! Eyes down for "Pig Bingo!" Holderness Lions are trying a new fundraising venture for them - they are running a "Farmer's (Pig) Bingo" on the 3rd September 2003 at The Haven Arms, Hedon. As this is their first venture at Bingo they are very keen to get as many players as possible there. Are you willing to go along and help to make the night a big success? If so then details are as follows : it will take place on Wednesday September 3rd at The Haven Arms, Havenside, Hedon , commencing at 7.30 p.m. Entrance will cost £1.50 and for this you will get two books of ten tickets each. What a bargain!!! Prizes will be of sausages, bacon, pork chops and pork joints etc.. The Lions need your support to make the night a fun filled one, so please give it a try. You never know you might just enjoy it, I know The Holderness Lions will. Church Services for Sunday August 31st Church Services for Sunday September 7th Items for inclusion : I would like to take this opportunity to remind readers that if they have an item they want including in my column and if the timing is important, I need the details at least two weeks before the event's date. I have no control over what day of the week my column is published and it varies from week to week - it is just as much a surprise to me as to you! - and I have to submit it by the Thursday of the week preceding publication. You can contact me by phone or email and I will endeavour to include any local stories or events that reach me in time! |
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