Morris Dancers in Paull : The Green Ginger Morris Men will be dancing at the Royal Oak, Main Street, Paull, on Tuesday May 13th starting at 8.00 p.m. Do come along and enjoy this most traditional of entertainments – even Shakespeare referred to Morris Dancing as “ancient” way back in the 16th century, so it’s commendable that it should still be alive and kicking (literally) in the 21st century! One thing is certain, a good time will be had by all! The Great Escape : there was a bit of excitement in Paull on Wednesday, when a large bird of prey “did a runner” (or should that be a “flyer?”) and made a bid for freedom, landing first in the trees and then moving onto Paull foreshore. Spectators’ interest turned to concern when the errant bird was attacked by a pair crows, no doubt alarmed at the intrusion of a major predator into their territory, and the bird’s owner was quickly found and brought to the rescue. It didn’t take long for the eagle to be recaptured none the worse for its little adventure (a little bribery in the form of food was all it took) and no doubt the crows will be relieved that it was only a temporary visitor! Meeting in Hedon : The next meeting of Hedon Methodist Friendship Circle will be Barbara's Open House at 12, Church Lane , Hedon. It will be on Wednesday, May 14th and will run from 10 a.m. until 12 noon, and again from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. and from 7p.m. onwards. Tea and coffee will be available throughout, and there will be a raffle, a cake stall and Bring and Buy. Everyone welcome! Presentation Night in Hedon : The Mayor of
Hedon, Cllr. Allen Marshall, had to 'move house' on Tuesday, 6th May,
when he made a double presentation. Hedon Town Hall staircase is undergoing
urgent, essential maintenance which makes access to the Council Chamber
impossible, so Hedon Museum kindly offered their facilities. Adult Education : the following classes, which take place at the South Holderness Adult Education Centre, Station Road, Preston (between Hedon and Preston) unless otherwise stated, still have places available : Badminton on Mondays from 8.00 p.m. until 9.30 p.m., Computer Workshop on Tuesdays from 7.15 p.m. until 9.15 p.m., Art - Beginners and Improvers - on Mondays at Market Hill, Hedon from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., and Yoga on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. at the Alexandra Hall, St. Augustine’s Gate, Hedon. For further details please contact the South Holderness Adult Education Centre on 01482 897534 Saltend Roundabout : I thought I’d seen it all, but it seems I was mistaken….. As most of you will know, the roundabout at Saltend is coming on rapidly and is quite unmistakeably a roundabout, and a big one at that. Imagine my surprise, therefore, when today I encountered a car going round it. Nothing unusual about that, did I hear you say? Maybe not, apart from one little detail : whilst the rest of the traffic was negotiating the roundabout in a clockwise direction, this particular car was going round it anticlockwise, and the driver had the gall to sound his horn at me as I narrowly missed a collision! No, he wasn’t a confused foreign driver, or at least, the car had local number plates, so I haven’t a clue what he was thinking of. Still, at least he missed my car, and as far as I could tell managed to get round the busy roundabout without hitting anybody! As they say, it takes all sorts…… Church Services for Sunday May 18th |
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