~ Hedon, Paull and Preston ~

Archived columns from the local pages of the East Riding edition of the Hull Daily Mail.

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Hedon Civic Silver; Hedon Red Cross; Hedon Museum; Paull river defences; Paull Easter Parade.








Paull Allotments; Hedon Dove House; Preston roadworks & cycle path; Hedon Keep-fit; Paull wildlife.
Paull footpath closure; Paull car thefts; Hedon - police band concert; Hedon Red Cross; Hedon Excel Club meeting details.
Hedon Museum; Holderness Lions; Holderness Rangers (Paull and Hedon); Paull Fort; Paull Allotments; Paull jumble sale.
Paull Village Hall AGM; Paull Jubilee plans; Hedon PCC AGM; Hedon branch of Holderness Volunteer Trust; Preston - Adult Education; Paull Fort.
Hedon - Mayor's Silver Show; Hedon Gardeners' Question Time; Paull - new councillors; Hedon Mothers' Union; Hedon Royal British Legion; Preston/Hedon - fishing lessons.








Hedon and District Crime Prevention Panel ; Paull Jubilee Celebrations; Hedon Red Cross; Paull footpath closures; Hedon Catholic church line dance; Paull Parish Council AGM.
Hedon Mayor-Making; Paull Parish Council AGM details; Hedon Gala Prince/Princess competition; Hedon - bus passes; Paull coffee morning; Hedon Tombola; Paull Fort.
Hedon and Paull at Rural Conference; Hedon Art Group; Photography competition; Hedon Royal British Legion bingo; Hedon Jubilee Gala details.
Paull school closure threat; Hedon Drama Group; Hedon - Savoyards concert; Hedon and Preston - united Jubilee services; Paull - children's Jubilee Party; Hedon - Golden Jubilee Fun Day and Giant Picnic.






Hedon Methodist Friendship Circle Anniversary; Hedon Red Cross; Hedon Catholic church garden party; Hedon Women's Institute; Paull School campaign.
Hedon - flag stolen; Hedon - Senior Citizens Jubilee Entertainment; Paull quiz night; Paull School campaign; Hedon Red Cross training.
Hedon United Football Club; Paull public meeting about school; Paull flood defences - exhibition in Hedon; Hedon In Bloom; Preston Village Show - advance notice;
Paull school public meeting report; Hedon Church Garden Party; Paull karaoke & disco night; Fort Paull scooter rally; Paull angling competition.



Hedon Museum; Hedon Friendship Circle; Paull public toilets; Holderness Rangers (Paull and Hedon); Paull church garden party; Holderness Volunteer Centre AGM.
Hedon : Strawberry Tea; Hedon Bingo; Preston Village Show; Paull School Gala; Holderness Volunteer Centre; This column's archive website.
Hedon Mothers' Union; Hedon In Bloom; last call for Preston Village Show and Paull School Gala; French classes at Hedon and Preston.
Paull Primary School meeting; Paull Church Garden Party; Fort Paull; Hedon Public Participation Meeting; Hedon In Bloom.
  Victory for Paull School; Paull School Gala; Hedon Allotments; Hedon talk and afternoon tea; Hedon Variety Show and tea; New drop-off point for articles for this column.




Paull river defences and footpath; Hedon talk; Hedon museum new exhibition; Fort Paull falconry display.
Hedon variety show; Hedon nearly new sale; Fort Paull WWII display; Hedon family fun day; Hedon museum exhibition.
Report on Hedon talk; report from Holderness Rangers; Inmans Road petition; Fort Paull Bank Holiday display; AFC Preston Tigers Under-11's football team; reminder about Variety Show in Hedon.
Hedon Museum exhibits; Charity fundraiser; Fort Paull display; Paull slide show; Hedon wheelbarrow race; Paull farewell service;  photography competition reminder.





Paull church services; South Holderness Garden Club; Entries closing for digital photography competition; Paull vintage car rally; Hedon and Paull websites.
Saltend roundabout traffic problems; Hedon Age Concern - volunteers needed; Disappointing start to Paull youth group; Hedon Tea Dances; Hedon Methodist Fellowship; Hedon aerobics class with crèche; Paull vintage car rally; Hedon, Paull and Preston church services.
Local history courses in Hedon; Hedon concert; Paull quiz winner; Hedon - Preston speed limit; Hedon Friendship Circle; Paull Guides' reunion; Church services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.
National competition win for local girls; Digital photography competition prizewinners; Afternoon tea with the Mayoress; Fundraising in Paull; Church services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.
Hedon friendship circle meeting; Harvest celebrations in Hedon; Hedon Church open day; Paull Guides' next adventure; Paull Harvest celebrations; Holderness Lions.







Hedon Road improvements; Preston appeal for mini-bus tokens; Hedon Red Cross appeal; Correction re. Afternoon Tea; Church services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.
Preston sponsored "walk;" Race night at Hedon; Hedon museum exhibition of lace; Hedon Friendship Circle; Hedon Church Yard repairs; Church services for Hedon, and Paull.
Death of Mr. Harold Pickering; Public meeting in Hedon; Coffee morning in Hedon; Free Internet lessons; Church socials; Reminder about Hedon "race night" ; Church Services for Hedon and Paull.
Obituary - Harold Pickering; Hedon Friendship Circle; Tea with the Mayoress; Remembrance Day parade in Paull; Road closure in Hedon; Church services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.




Local autumn wildlife; Yoga class in Hedon; Book now for carol evening; Preston parent & toddler group; Christian website items wanted; School reunion; Road closed - reminder; Remembrance Day parades & church services.
Report on Hedon talk; Hedon Friendship Circle; Christmas Fairs in Hedon and Paull; Hedon Museum; visit to Harrogate; Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night! Church services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.
Christmas Fairs in Hedon & Preston; Paull churchyard success; Obituary - Mrs. Mary Carr; Saltend roundabout; coastal realignment at Paull; Church services for Hedon, Paull and Preston.
Hedon Mother's Union; Christmas Lights switch-on in Hedon; Hedon Red Cross charity shop; Hedon Museum exhibition; Remembrance Day in Paull and Hedon; Church Services for Sunday December 1st in Hedon, Paull and Preston; Reminder of dates to submit material for this column.

Royal British Legion Conference in Hedon; Deanery Carol Service; carols at Paull Manor; Preston carol singers; Victorian Carol Evening - Reminder; Church Services for Sunday December 8th in Hedon, Paull and Preston;
Hedon windows competition; Hedon lights; Hedon W.I; Community carol evening in Paull; Church Services for Sunday December 15th in Hedon, Paull and Preston; Christingles; Latest developments on Hedon Road.
Round-up of all carol services and carol concerts in Hedon, Paull and Preston; Church Services for Sunday December 22nd in Hedon, Paull and Preston; Appeal to anglers at Paull.
Thanks from Hedon and Paull; Missing cat appeal; Chrismas church services in Hedon, Paull and Preston; the flare at BP Saltend; Christmas greetings.
Reports on : Hedon Victorian Carol Evening,Preston carol singers and Paull Christingle service; Grants for Bridlington but not Paull; church services January 5th 2003

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All material and information on this site collected, compiled and written by Dianne G. Davies © 2002

Disclaimer : all dates, venues and details etc. are published in good faith and no liability is accepted
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If you wish to contact me, either with regard to items on this site or with news for my column, click here to send an email.