Week beginning July 22nd 2002
Paull Parish Council has had a meeting with
Mr. Jon Mager, currently Head of Inclusion and Resources at the Education
Department of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and soon to be Director
of Lifelong Learning (previously known as the Director of Education,)
to discuss the future of Paull Primary School. The ERYC South Holderness
Ward councillors were also present, and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman
of the school Governors were invited to the meeting.
Mr Mager stressed that no decision about the future of the school has
yet been made and that he, as Director, would not be making the decision
himself but it would be up to a committee of ERYC councillors. Nevertheless,
the Councillors were well aware that he would have considerable influence
on the final decision and said as much!
The start of the meeting was briefly delayed because of an adult computer
course which was taking place at the school - Mr. Mager seemed unaware
that the school has a community use as well as educating the children
of Paull, but agreed that it was important to use facilities across
the complete age-range. The meeting was long and involved and addressed
a wide variety of issues : councillors and governors unanimously objected
to the document produced by the ERYC which recommended the closure of
the school in the first place, calling it biased and incorrect - as
an example, the statement that the school "finds it difficult to attract
staff" is clearly untrue when the recently advertised vacancy for a
temporary Head attracted 18 prospective candidates - and presented Mr.
Mager with a document they have produced in response. The council also
felt that small schools and communities were particularly vulnerable,
with fewer people to stand up to what is an extremely large and powerful
Local Authority.
Much of the discussion at the meeting revolved around finance and the
feeling that the main issue is money - small schools costing relatively
more per child than large schools - and a general disregard for the
undoubted advantages of the "family" atmosphere at Paull School and
the importance of educating educating children within their own community;
Mr. Mager did not argue with these points, and explained how the council
would save money by closing Paull School. The councillors and governors
remained unimpressed, and although the tone of the meeting was amicable,
no firm conclusion was reached and the fight to save Paull School continues.
Supporters of the school will be attending the ERYC meeting on Tuesday;
although they will not be permitted to speak at the meeting, it is hoped
that the turnout from the village will indicate to councillors the strength
of local feeling over the threat to the school.
(To download a full report of the issues discussed at the meeting, right-click
here and select "Save
Target As....")
The Garden Party held in Paull at the weekend,
in glorious unbroken sunshine, was extremely well attended and raised
the magnificent sum of £1,125 for St. Andrew's Church. The Vicar and
Parochial Church Council wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Dud Hulme for allowing
them to use their garden, and also thank everyone who manned the stalls,
provided goods for sale, ran games etc., and of course everyone who
attended the event.
Fort Paull has another colourful display
planned for the weekend of July 27th and 28th, featuring "Edward Montagu's
Regiment of Foote", with pike, musket and cannon displays and period
army encampments on site all day. To reach the Fort from Hedon Road,
turn off immediately after the Saltend roundabout, past the Saltend
turnoff, and simply travel straight through the village (following the
signs) and turn right opposite the Paull Manor Residential Home - Fort
Paull is clearly marked and quite unmistakeable.
Hedon Town Council are holding a Public Participation
Meeting in the Town Hall, St. Augustine's Gate, Hedon, on Thursday July
25th starting at 7p.m. Anyone living in Hedon who wishes to attend may
raise any matter of interest or concern with regard to Hedon.
Absolutely the last call for the Hedon In Bloom
Competition: if your garden has suddenly bust into a riot of colour
and you are justifiably proud of it, why not contact Hedon Town Council?
The competition, which costs nothing to enter, is being judged on Friday
23rd July but entries will be accepted right up until the last minute.
There are cash prizes and trophies to be won!