Week beginning June 14th 2004
Hedon Friendship Circle : the Friendship
Circle’s meeting on June 23rd will be a little different, with
the members going “out and about” instead of holding their
usual church hall meeting. They are going on a guided walk around Victoria
Dock and afterwards for supper at the Minerva. Will everyone wishing
to take part in this visit please meet at the Methodist Church on Church
Lane at 6.30 p.m.
Fundraising events in Hedon : St Augustine’s
Restoration and Development Appeal has just completed a busy week of
fundraising. It began last Friday with a recital by Amy Black, the distinguished
Hedon soprano, which was presented in the church to an enthusiastic
audience. Her music, accompanied by Edward Lainchberry, varied widely,
from selections from the classics to music from popular shows. Amy's
voice seemed well suited to the challenges of church acoustics and her
performance was met with well-deserved applause.
Afterwards, refreshments were served in the North Transept and there
was an opportunity for a preview of a splendid range of some forty-two
flower arrangements which demonstrated the great skill and imagination
of their presenters.
The following day, the Driffield Male Voice Choir gave a rousing performance
of traditional and popular music to a near-capacity audience, also in
the church, and there was another opportunity to enjoy refreshments
and view the flowers.
Final figures are not yet to hand but it is expected that these integrated
events will have raised a useful sum for the appeal. An update will
appear in a later report.
As part of the flower festival, due to end on the weekend June 12th
/ 13th with Hedon's "open gardens," an exhibition of local
children’s' floral artwork took place in the North Transept of
St. Augustine’s church on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Dianne Storrs put considerable effort into setting up this show yet
interest was disappointing. There was some excellent work on view yet
very few of the young artists brought friends and family along to see
their pictures displayed in public.
Pictures of some of the floral arrangements and the children’s
art can be seen on the church website, http://www.StAugustines-Hedon.freeservers.com
Calling all gardeners : Preston and
District Allotment and Garden Society meet in the Blacksmith’s
Arms, Preston, on the first Monday evening of each month at 8.00 p.m.
for a very varied programme of events to interest all gardeners.
One forthcoming event needs advance booking, and is open to members,
prospective members and non-members alike, is a planned visit to Tatton
Park RHS show on July 24th. This is classed by many as the best show
after Chelsea, and is indeed of greater interest to those who like to
see the actual plants etc. There is also the Hall and grounds to visit
along with other permanent attractions for those who don’t wish
to spend all day at the show. The cost of the trip, which includes entrance
and the coach, is £29.50 : if you want to enjoy other attractions
besides the show there may be additional charges.
For more details or to book a place contact Richard or Sue on 01482
897327. The trip will of course be dependent on sufficient bookings
to make it viable, so I am sure they will appreciate it if you could
let them know as soon as possible if you would like to go.
Car Boot sale bookings invited : two
other events where you might want to take advantage of booking in advance
are the car boot sales being held on July 11th and 17th respectively.
The first, on Sunday July 11th, is associated with the Friends of Inmans
Primary School Summer Fair and the second, on Saturday July 17th, is
at Preston Summer Fair. I will tell you about these events and all the
attractions offered nearer the dates, but meanwhile to book spaces telephone
01482 896767 for the Inmans School fair in Hedon and 01482 827157 for
spaces at Preston Fair – both have limited spaces available and
both must be booked in advance.
Footpath danger at Paull : the footpath
along the river front at Paull remains closed in the vicinity of Anson
Villas and with increasing numbers of visitors in the fine weather I
think it’s time to remind walkers to take care. The area concerned
is marked with foot-high lettering in yellow paint, saying “Danger!
Voids Beneath! Collapse Imminent!” (Well, it actually says “iminent”
but let’s not be picky.) Add to that the metal fencing around
the broken and dangerous area and it should be pretty clear that there
is a problem.
When the breach first occurred, additional fencing was erected at either
end of the footpath in order to prevent anyone from approaching the
dangerous area, and in addition, the slipway was finally fenced off
too as it had been in a dangerous condition for some time. Despite all
these precautions, the fence near the slipway has been damaged and the
fencing at either end of the footpath consigned to the river. This isn’t
a flimsy fence, either – we’re talking about six-foot-high
metal fencing set in concrete blocks, so it must have taken some effort
to wreck it.
So please, if you are coming to Paull, keep an eye on the children,
and the dog, when walking on the river side, and steer clear of any
fenced or part-fenced areas for your own safety. Above all, enjoy your
The following church services will take place on Sunday June
Hedon : St. Augustine’s Parish Church : Sung
Eucharist at 9.30 a.m.
Hedon Methodist Church, Church Lane : Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m., morning
service at 10.30 a.m., evening service at 6.30 p.m.
Saints Mary & Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Baxtergate, Hedon :
Daily Mass times : Sunday 10.30 a.m., Monday 9.15 a.m., Tuesday 9.15
a.m., Wednesday 7.30 p.m., Thursday 9.15 a.m., Friday 7.30 p.m., Saturday
6 p.m.
Hedon Pentecostal Church meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. in the Jubilee
Room of the Alexandra Hall, St. Augustine’s Gate; a Sunday School
is also held at 10.30 a.m. every Sunday.
Paull : St Andrew’s Parish Church : Holy Communion
at 11.15 a.m.
Paull Methodist Church, Main Street : no service this week – everyone
is invited to join the 10.45 a.m. service at Sproatley to celebrate
their 200th anniversary
Preston: All Saint’s Parish Church : morning
worship at 11.00 a.m.
Preston Methodist Church : morning service at 10.30 a.m.